NIDN: 2031019002
ID: 57188235500
ID: 6004006
ID: R-4095-2019
Lecturer in Dept of Informatics Engineering - UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Jl.H.R.Soebrantas, No.155 KM 18, Simpang Baru Panam, Pekanbaru, Riau [28293] Indonesia
- rahmadkurniawan [at]
- rahmad_kurniawan [at]
Sep 2016 – 2019 |
National University of Malaysia. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Artificial Intelligence,
Faculty of Information Science & Technology, Malaysia |
Feb 2013 – Aug 2014 |
National University of Malaysia. Master of Information Technology in Faculty of Information Science & Technology, Malaysia |
Jul 2007 – Feb 2011 |
State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.
Undergraduate, Informatics Engineering, Pekanbaru, Indonesia |
Research Experience
Skills & Activities
Skills |
Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Expert System, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics |
Languages |
English, Indonesia, Malay |
Scientific Memberships |
– Artificial Intelligence Technology Center (CAIT) in National University of Malaysia, School of Computer Science– Artificial Intelligence and Optimization Research Center (AIORC) in State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Informatics Engineering, Pekanbaru, Indonesia |
Interests |
Cloud Computing, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Expert System, Data Warehouse |
Research & Publications:
Rahmad Kurniawan: Data Preprocessing: Case Study On Housing Values In Suburbs Of Boston. International Conference 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 2013 (Indexed in IEEE and SCOPUS)
Rahmad Kurniawan, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, M. Irsyad, Rado Yendra, Anis Aklima Kamarudin: On Machine Learning Technique Selection for Classification. The 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2015, Bali, Indonesia; 08/2015 (Indexed in IEEE, WoS and SCOPUS).
Rahmad Kurniawan, Okfalisa, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri: A Comparative Study Of Decision Tree, Artificial Neural Network And Rough Set Theory: Case Study On Housing Dataset. International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability - ICoSTechS 2014, Batam, Indonesia; 10/2014 (Indexed in IEEE, WoS and SCOPUS).
Rahmad Kurniawan, Novi Yanti, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, Zulvandri: Expert Systems for Self-Diagnosing of Eye Diseases Using Naïve Bayes. International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications - ICAICTA 2014, Bandung, Indonesia; 08/2014 (Indexed in IEEE, SCOPUS and ISI)
Rahmad Kurniawan, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, M. Irsyad, Rado Yendra, Anis Aklima Kamarudin: On Machine Learning Technique Selection for Classification. The 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2015, Bali, Indonesia; 08/2015 (Indexed in IEEE and SCOPUS)
Rahmad Kurniawan: Prototype Expert System Using Bayesian Network for Diagnose Social Illness. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 93 (2), pp. 338-344. 2016 (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Fakhrulnizam Mohammad and Rahmad Kurniawan: Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) for Bachelor of Aircraft Engineering Technology (AVIONICS) Final Year Students in Project Management Course: AHP Method for Career Selection. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (3), 705-714. 2017. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Rahmad Kurniawan, Akbarizan, Khairunnas Jamal, Afrizal Nur, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, Deby Kholilah: Advise-Giving Expert Systems Based On Islamic Jurisprudence for Treating Drugs and Substance Abuse. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 96 (15), 4941-4952. 2018 (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Akbarizan, Rahmad Kurniawan, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, Sri Murhayati, and Nurcahaya: Using Bayesian Network for Determining The Recipient of Zakat in BAZNAS Pekanbaru. The 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICon EEI). Batam, Indonesia; 16/10/2018 (Indexed in IEEE, WoS and SCOPUS).
Novi Yanti, Rahmad Kurniawan, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, Wilda Hunafa and Mardhiyah Kharismayanda: Tropical Diseases Web-based Expert System Using Certainty Factor. The 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICon EEI). Batam, Indonesia; 16/10/2018 (Indexed in IEEE, WoS and SCOPUS).
Rahmad Kurniawan, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, Rado Yendra and Westi Oktaviana: Knowledge Base of Expert System to Diagnose Eye Diseases Using FP-Growth Association Rules .The 4th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (M-CAIT 2018). Kuching, Malaysia; 02/11/2018 (Indexed in IEEE, WoS and SCOPUS).
Rahmad Kurniawan, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, Siti Norul Huda Abdullah and Jemaima Che Hamzah, "Automatic Rule Generator via FP-Growth for Eye Diseases Diagnosis," International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, vol. 9, no. 3, 2019. Available: (Indexed in SCOPUS).
Petir Papilo, Rahmad Kurniawan, "Policy System for Palm Oil Base Bioenergy Sustainability," International Conference On Innovation Technology and Management for Sustainable Agroindustry -ITaMSA 2019. Bogor, Indonesia; 09/10/2019. (Indexed in IOP and SCOPUS).
Benny Sukma Negara, Rahmad Kurniawan, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, Riyan Wibowo Saputra, Ari Ismanto, "Riau Forest Fire Prediction using Supervised Machine Learning," The 4th International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics (ICCAI) 2019. Medan, Indonesia; 26/11/2019. (Indexed in IOP and SCOPUS).
Khairunnas Jamal, Rahmad Kurniawan, Abdul Somad Batubara, Mohd Zakree Ahmad Nazri, Fitra Lestari, Petir Papilo, "Text Classification On Islamic Jurisprudence Using Machine Learning Techniques," The 4th International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics (ICCAI) 2019. Medan, Indonesia; 26/11/2019. (Indexed in IOP and SCOPUS).
Rahmad Kurniawan, "Bayesian network and dempster-shafer theory for early diagnosis of eye diseases" (COMPUSOFT, An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, Vol.9, No.4. (Indexed in SCOPUS).
Khairunnas Jamal, Rahmad Kurniawan, "Predicting Career Decisions Among Graduates of Tafseer and Hadith". 2020 International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICCIS). (Indexed in IEEE, WoS and SCOPUS).
Editor & Reviewer for Scientific Journals:
Reviewer of PeerJ Computer Science Journal. International Level (Indexed by SCOPUS and ISI; Q1 Journal in Computer Science) , 2018 to present.
Reviewer of Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, International Level, 2018 to present.
Reviewer of Jurnal Teknik Informatika (JTI), International Level, 2019 to present.
Reviewer of Indonesian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (IJAIDM), International Level, 2018 to present.
Reviewer of 17th World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology. International Level (Indexed by SCOPUS), Jan 2019.
Reviewer of Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Industri 2018. National Level (Indonesia), Oct to Nov 2018.
Reviewer of Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi dan Industri 2019. National Level (Indonesia), Oct to Nov 2019.
Editor of Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Hasil Penelitian dan Karya Ilmiah dalam Bidang Teknik Industri. National Level (Indonesia), 2020 to present.
Reviewer of International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT), International Level, 2020 to present.
Reviewer of International Journal on Informatics for Development (IJID), International Level, 2020 to present.
Reviewer of SINERGI Journal, International Level, 2020 to present.
Awards & Recognition:
Silver Medal, Take Your Meds: A Prototype Medication Reminder Mobile Phone Application for Patients. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . 2018 (International Level)
Intellectual Property: Take Your Meds Application, From: Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (Malaysia). 2019. (International Level).
Awards for Outstanding Researcher, From: Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ke-47. 2 November 2019. (International Level).
Awards for Innovative Product, From: Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ke-47. 2 November 2019. (International Level).
Awards for Graduate On Time (GOT), From: Majlis Konvokesyen Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ke-47. 2 November 2019. (International Level).
Research Grants:
Sistem Pakar untuk Mengatasi Penyakit Masyarakat Menggunakan Metode Bayesian Network (Studi Kasus: Kab. Meranti, Riau). Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UIN Suska Riau. 2015
On Machine Learning Technique Selection for Classification. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Suska Riau. 2015.
Using Bayesian Network for Determining The Recipient of Zakat in BAZNAS Pekanbaru. Lembaga Penjamin Mutu UIN Suska Riau. 2018.
Tropical Diseases Web-based Expert System Using Certainty Factor. Lembaga Penjamin Mutu UIN Suska Riau. 2018.
A Prototype Medication Reminder Mobile Phone Application for Patients. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 2019.
Automatic Rule Generator via FP-Growth for Eye Diseases Diagnosis. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 2019.
Invited Speakers:
Analysis and Design Intelligent System for Healthcare. Fakulti Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. December 2017. (International Level).
Tips Penyusunan Proposal S3 Luar Negeri. Jurusan Teknik Informatika UIN Suska Riau. 2018. (National Level).
Fundamental of Data Mining. Riau Data Camp (RDC). 2019. (National Level).
Resource Person on Optimize Your Scientific Papers, Thesis Writing and Literature Review Using Mendeley - Batch 1. Riau Data Camp (RDC). 2019. (National Level).
Journal Editorial Criteria. Institution of Quality Assurance, UIN Suska Riau. 2019. (National Level).
Resource Person on Optimize Your Scientific Papers, Thesis Writing and Literature Review Using Mendeley - Batch 2. Institution of Quality Assurance, UIN Suska Riau. 26/10/2019. (National Level).
Resource Person on Optimize Your Scientific Papers, Thesis Writing and Literature Review Using Mendeley - Batch 3. Institution of Quality Assurance, UIN Suska Riau. 2019. (National Level).
Resource Person on Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Dalam Rangka Akselerasi Kenaikan Pangkat Dosen ke Guru Besar. Institution of Quality Assurance, UIN Suska Riau. 2019. (National Level).
Resource Person on Dampak Teknologi Terhadap Prilaku Keluarga. Majelis Ulama Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru. 2020. (National Level).
Resource Person on Riau Forest Fire Prediction using Supervised Machine Learning. Indonesian Police. Riau Regional Police. 2020. (National Level).
Resource Person on Peran Data Science Dalam Memprediksi Perkembangan COVID-19 Pasca Lebaran. DSI and Telkom Indonesia. 2020. (National Level).
Resource Person on Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Untuk Percepatan Kelulusan Mahasiswa Program Magister Informatika. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga. 2020. (National Level).
Presenter in International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications. Bandung, Indonesia; 08/2014. (International Level)
Presenter in The 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics. Bali, Indonesia; 08/2015.(International Level)
Presenter in The 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics. Batam, Indonesia; 16/10/2018. (International Level)
Presenter in International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology. Kuching, Malaysia; 02/11/2018. (International Level)
Presenter in The 4th International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics (ICCAI). Medan, Indonesia, 26/11/ 2019. (International Level)
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